These instructions will not work with CYBERsitter 2.12, or with the proxy server version of CYBERsitter. To make sure your computer has CYBERsitter 97 on it, see our page about how to determine which blocking software is installed on your computer. |
Recommended method (see also alternate
To disable CYBERsitter 97:
You can help spread this information to people who have CYBERsitter installed on their computer. Just download this banner and put it on your Web page:
It won't work if you simply copy the words "Rename the file c:\windows\system\wsock32.dll" etc., because CYBERsitter can block strings of words from appearing in Web pages. If everybody just copies the words onto their page, then CYBERsitter will just add those word combinations to their list of blocked phrases, and then people with CYBERsitter on their computer won't be able to view the page anyway. However, CYBERsitter cannot detect words that are part of an image.
Before you add the image to your page, name it something random like 8e4jcc.gif. If everybody names the file disable-cybersitter97-banner.gif, then CYBERsitter will just add the phrase "disable cybersitter 97 banner" to their list of blocked phrases, and the image won't be viewable on computers running CYBERsitter.
Also, be sure to copy the image to your site, instead of linking to the image on -- if you link to this image, it won't be viewable from computers running CYBERsitter since CYBERsitter blocks this site.